Monday, December 16, 2019
Prevention Of Stds Dangerous And Wide Spread Diseases
Prevention Of STDs STDs are both very dangerous and wide spread diseases. In the modern world where the cure for most of the diseases is to be found, some diseases with unknown cure are to be found as well. Among these, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a serious health problem. STDs are sexually transmitted diseases that are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungus, protozoa and parasites which get transferred during activity between two partners. If a person having a sexually transmittable disease in him or her takes part in coitus with another person, there is a chance the micro organism causing the disease may get transferred in to the partner. This type of diseases are commonly refereed to Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs. Some STDs have a cure or a treatment and some don’t have a cure or a treatment. They can be prevented from getting transferred using behavioral modifications but they are usually not recognizable by patients and health care organizations. STDs are capable of being transferred through Oral, Vaginal or Anal sex irrespective to the genders of the partners. Many of the STDs which are infamous and common among the world population are HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome), Human Papilloma virus, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Hepatitis, Syphilis and Ebola. All these diseases have different levels of effects on health of the affected person. Some cause slow and painful death and some show no signShow MoreRelatedPrevention Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases And Sex Education Among The Teenagers2160 Words  | 9 PagesPrevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Sex Education among the Teenagers Health Promotion Health is a significant characteristic of human right that individuals require to handle with caution. 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