Sunday, January 26, 2020
Users of HR services and their needs
Users of HR services and their needs One of the HR users for an organization is line manager. The line manager basically observed the activities that are associated with services and products. The duties of line managers are staffing, ensuring health and safety of employees and supervision of manufacturing plants. The need of line manager is the timely services of the manufacturing plants. Their monitoring work will reduced. They are also responsible in hiring staff. Another need of line manager is that the company will organize certain training session for the employees. These sessions will increase the efficiency of employees and line managers can easily supervise them. The employees are main asset for an organization. An employee needs good working environment where there is no discrimination between the employees and where they feel secure. Another need of employees is that they will be awarded with some rewards like praise, bonuses and promotion. These methods will motivate them to work more efficiently. Another HR user is potential employees. The success of any organization is depends on the potential employees. The potential employees demand flexibility at work. Employees should be allowed to choose their working hours according to their efficiency. The other demand of potential employees is that they are allowed to work from home if there presence at the company is not necessary. (user of HR services and their needs) Identify and prioritized conflicting needs The needs of the employees and managers with the organization are different. It is not possible for an organization to fulfill each and every demand and needs of the employees. This will leads to the degradation in the performance of the employees. Now it become necessary for an organization to identify and prioritized the conflicting needs according to the performance of employee and welfare of the company. The employees need such an environment at organization where there is no discrimination on the basis of religion, caste and region and where they can communicate comfortably. This need of employees should be prioritized first and make such rules and regulations to create such environment so that there performance level will increase. The priority should be given to those needs which help the organization to achieve its goal and the needs which are beneficial for most of the employees. It should not be done on individual basis whether he is a manager or an employee. The employees also need that they should be awarded with some bonuses and incentives according to their work. This demand of employees is beneficial for all the workers and because of this their performance level will increase. This need should be prioritized first because it helps in gaining companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goal. The employees also demand that company should apply flexibility at work. According to the flexibility at work, the employees and managers are allowed to choose their working hours according to their stamina. This demand will increase the efficiency of the employees and give benefit to the organization. The organization should conduct the performance review. It is an in depth and more formal way to identify job related needs of an employee. According to the review the company is able to design such policies which will fulfill the needs of the maximum employees. An organization can also use the motivation inventory which will be used to identify needs of employees. They should also arrange various training session and meeting where the employees can discuss their needs and demands with the human resource managers. These sessions helps the managers to identify common needs and which need should be prioritized first. At the time of job interview, the manager should ask certain question which will uncover their needs at the workplace. These questions will help the organization to indentify those employees who can work at vigorous condition and with limited resources at the time of emergency. Another to indentify the customer need is effective communication. The effective communication between employees and managers are important because most of the problems and needs can be resolved just by communication. The employees also demand the better health facility at the organization. The priority should be given to this need also because the employee who has good health can work more efficiently and quickly. This will save the time of both workers and organization . (identify conflicting needs) Methods of communication The effective communication between employees and managers plays a vital role in the progress of an organization. Communication at workplace should be organized in the systematic manner like other activity. Top management is responsible for the successful communication at workplace. The main link in any method of communication is line supervisors and managers. Ineffective communication by line managers causes poor performance. The method of communication used for line managers is direct communication. The advantage for this method is that the line managers become more aware about the needs and problems of their employees. According to the needs of employees, they can easily plan the working schedule. Various training session and meeting should be organized by an organization so that the employees can easily communicate with their managers directly on different issues. The communication must be concise, easily understood and clear. Sometime, the employees force their line managers to accept their needs even they are not useful for an organization. In direct communication, there is no written proof for any communication and because of this a person can not claim anyone at the time of any problem. Team briefing is another method of communication. The mentor of the group provides their employees with new information so that they the employees can ask any queries and discuss any problem. In this method the employees can easily cover all the important area. It is very time consuming and these session should be organized at regular interval. Another method of communication is electronic media. Electronic media helps in delivering important information cheaply and quickly. The employees can search any information on the website of their respective organization. The information through this method can be delivered at fast speed without any face to face contact with each employees and at one time information can reach too many employees. This method will save the time of both employees and management. The disadvantage of this method is that the information can not be delivered at the time of any technical problem or system crash problem. The employees also send their problems or any suggestion through email. Another method of communication is written document. Every organization has its own employee handbook which has information related to job. The employees are provided with this handbook so that they can aware of rule and regulation of an organization. The performance report of an employee is prepared in written document. This report will help the employee to analyze his performance and try to improve it. Newsletter and journals are another method of written document. These provide information to the employees on the regular basis about the company. It contains large amount of personal and social information. The aim of notices is to bring the attention of the employees, matter of specific interest and general information. Individual letter is a method of communication which ensures that the specific information is reached to the specific employees and targeted group. The advantage of the written document method is that the company has legal documents of information and because of this nobody will claim for any damage. It is also beneficial for those employees who has a part time job and who work from home. The disadvantage of this method is that it is very time consuming and sometime document get misplaced due to some human mistake. (method of communication)
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Planning Assessment Essay
When planning assessment you need to gauge a clear idea of what level the candidate is at to see if they are ready to complete your planned assessment. There are many ways of achieving this knowledge. One method is observation in performance or another by taking an initial assessment test which have seven levels with the basic entry level 1 being the first. Once this knowledge has been gained, further knowledge is needed to suit their needs. What is their preferred learning style, is it part of a group or on a one to one basis. You will need to find out their strengths and weaknesses to get the most out of their abilities but also to work around and improve on different area that need to be worked on. When this has all been achieved the learners will need to be given information about the planned assessment. First of all they will need to have an understanding of what they are about to study, explaining what they need to do to meet the criteria set by OFQUAL – the governing body of the qualifications. They will need to understand what is expected of them when attending the course by giving them the code of conduct for them to follow. It is important that the health and safety procedures are explained to ensure their safety throughout their assessment. After this has been completed, the learners will be given the folder to look through and their assessment plan to see how they will complete it. 3. 3 EXPLAIN HOW TO PLAN A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO ASSESSMENT By taking a holistic approach to assessment, it can provide the learner with a more in depth report on their progress by covering all the different methods – observations, session plans, witness testimonies, knowledge evidence and professional discussion across all the units in one go. This allows me to understand the different kind of approaches each individual learner feels comfortable with to achieve the highest possible grade. 3. 5 EXPLAIN HOW TO MINIMIZE RISKS THROUGH THE PLANNING PROCESS It is the responsibility of the assessor to minimise the risks by making sure all of the health and safety procedures are covered such as risk assessment of the facilities. The assessor needs to gather information that is personal from the learner in order to adapt and provide special needs that they might have. Also the assessor will need to treat all learners equally, ensuring that equality and diversity issue are met. Once this information has been gained, the assessor can then produce an action plan for the learner which is both realistic and achievable so they are comfortable to achieve the best possible results. 4. 1 EXPLAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF INVOLVING THE LEARNER AND OTHERS IN THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS Peer and Self Assessment is an effective way to get the learners involved and it gives a clear idea of what the learner is currently at and what action is needed to meet the standards and criteria. This can be done through feedback. Feedback is a vital part of the assessment process as it gives the assessor an idea of if the learner has met the criteria set and if they haven’t, what action is needed to achieve the criteria. If there is a disagreement with the assessments carried out then the learners can follow the organisational procedures that are set in place which include grievance procedures, systems for appeals and confidentiality procedures. 4. 2 SUMMARISE TYPES OF INFORMATION THAT SHOULD BE MADE AVAILABLE TO LEARNERS AND OTHERS INVOLVED IN THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS. The first thing that should be made available to the learners and those involved in the assessment process is what the reason is for assessment. The NVQ award is structured for a candidate to provide evidence through practical assignments and portfolio evidence that is gained throughout the qualification. They will also need to know how long they have to complete the course which is up to the assessor. By giving them information on deadlines then it will ensure tasks are not left until the last minute which could affect the standards of the work. One other type of information that they will need to know is what the criteria is for them to achieve the grade. Each qualification has a minimum requirement needed to be met and once they learner knows this, they can work towards meeting it and gaining the qualification. 4. 3 EXPLAIN HOW PEER AND SELF ASSESSMENT CAN BE USED EFFECTIVELY TO PROMOTE LEARNER INVOLVEMENT AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Peer and Self-Assessment can be used effectively within the learners when one of the group has difficulty within a task. Learners can interact with each other and help each other out which would be a lot less intimidating and in some situations embarrassing for shy and insecure learners than an assessor telling them they are right or wrong in front of the rest of the group. 6. 3 SUMMARISE THE PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW WHEN THERE ARE DISPUTES CONCERNING ASSESSMENT IN OWN AREA OF PRACTICE If there are disputes concerning assessment in own area of practice then the procedures to follow are as follows: First of all the assessor has to be available to discuss the problem as it could be sorted out quickly and effectively through discussion. If the learner feels they want to take it further then they can take the steps to show their disagreement which will be listed in their ‘Student Handbook’ given to them at the beginning of the course. This includes a formal written complaint to the assessor’s superior which they will then deal with in an efficient and non-discriminatory way, treating the claim with upmost confidentiality where they will decided whether to uphold or overturn the assessor’s original decision. 7. 2 EXPLAIN HOW FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONING CONTRIBUTE TO THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS Feedback and Questioning can help learners improve on a specific task. Feedback provides correction and improvement on a piece of work. Not only can it correct or improve the work but it can be used as encouragement or motivation to a learner especially when they are doing well or think they are not doing well.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Beowulf and King Arthur Essay
All these heroes did different things for their people. They have different set of qualities which make them heroes and since there are many heroic adventures and qualities, most of them are shared in part or as a whole with other heroes. That becomes the case between the two great heroes Beowulf and King Arthur. Beowulf emerged from the epic poem Beowulf while King Arthur was from the story of Morte d’Arthur. They have strong similarities and great differences. To be a true hero, you should do good things for good people, this depicts Beowulf’s situation. He left his homeland to help the Danish to get rid of human eating monster the Grendel. This quality is also evident in King Arthur, as he consciously rides into a battle so as to rid his people of an evil knight that does not allow others to pass. Both heroes display their concern for others by involving themselves in risky battle for the greater good. In the same aspect they are trying to get love and respect from the people they protect. To obtain this maximum respect both and Arthur enter into battle alone. Look more: no fear beowulf essay For Beowulf, when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect solely belong to him and his men. Arthur on the other hand does the same, when he met with his man and his horse. He mounted up and dressed his weapons, he bade his chamberlain tarry there till he came again (Morte d’Arthur). Although Arthur starts his journey alone he did meet with Merlin the court magician and faithful companion who later accompany him. The characteristic of being fearless when faced with death is a trait seen in all because it depicts courage and strength. Beowulf and King Arthur are not afraid of death thus showed their courage to adversaries and their peers. When Arthur is faced with death he says, â€Å"welcome be it when it cometh, but to yield me unto thee as [cowardly] I had liefer die than to be a shamed. †(Morte d’Arthur). He simply said that he would rather die than admit to a defeat or being cowardly. Beowulf feels much the same way because he shows no fear for his own life but instead expressed a concern for the honor of King Higlac by asking â€Å"if death does take [him], send the hammered / Mail of [his] armor to Higlac†(Macneile D, 2008). Sending his King his armor recommits him to his country and lets his King be reminded how brave he was every time he looks at it. Differences Looking at their differences, Beowulf was way more confident in his fighting ability then Arthur. It is evident when Beowulf fights Grendel unarmed he said his hands shall fight and struggle for him. His reasoning is that Grendel is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none and therefore by facing Grendel unarmed, he shows that he is brave and more significantly unafraid to be equal to Grendel since Grendel was not going to fight with weapons. Were as the much less confident Arthur fights with weapons since once his wounds were amended his first thought was his sword followed by the task of his army finding him one. This displays Arthur’s weakness in his reliance on weapons. Since Beowulf’s men could give him in the fight he had to defeat the monster by himself with his bear hands. On the other hand Arthur lost his battle by first of all loosing a jousting match then lost on the ground. Merlin had to come to rescue by using his magic, putting the knight to sleep for a period of three hours. Conclusion Beowulf in the end is the greater hero because the help he received from his men was useless. Their differences in heroism can be due to the fact that Arthur was a young hero compared to Beowulf who was an experienced hero. Either way they are like most heroes since their similarities and differences makes them who they are. They left commendable and memorable fantasy characteristics since both demonstrated great love for others as they both tried to do good things for commendable people. Reference Macneile, D. (2008). English Epic and Heroic Poetry: BiblioBazaar publishers
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Loss Of Identity In Death Of Salesman - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1104 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/31 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Death Of A Salesman Essay Did you like this example? Death of salesman addresses the loss of identity and the inability of man to accept change between himself and the society. The play is a medley of flashbacks, dreams, confrontations, and arguments, all of which make up the final day of Willy Lomans life. There are three major themes within the play. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Loss Of Identity In Death Of Salesman" essay for you Create order These themes are denial, inconsistency, and order versus disorder. Each member of the Loman family is leading a life with denial and perpetuation of a cycle of renunciation for others. Willy Loman does not consider to accept the fact that he has the traits of a middling salesman. He strives for his elegance of the American dream which is bound by accomplishment and bad status, even when he is obliged to repudiate the reality in order to attain it. Willy chooses to retreat to the past events and memories which he is known to have accomplished them, instead of sticking to his acknowledgement that his success is not well-known. Willys favorite memory is bound by several memories of life. One of these memories is that of Biffs last football match. Willy was promised a descent by Biff, and this makes him impatient to tell his customers about it. His son is proud about him, and this fact makes him consider himself a famous man (Jia, and X 9) Willys two sons, Biff and Happy, resemble him in terms of character of manipulating reality and they practice it throughout their lives, much of their disadvantage. It happens that in the end of the play, Biff admits that he has been affected just like Willy. Linda is the only character that has observed and realized that Loman family lives with too much inconsistency, while she goes along with Willys fantasies in order to spare the fragile state of the mind. The second key theme of the play is inconsistency. During the course of the play, there are instances where Willys behavior is riddled with contradictions. The only thing that is consistent about Willy is his contradi ctions. This theme is spread all over, from the beginning of Act 1 Scene 1. This scene reveals Willys tendency, whereby he refers to Biff as a lazy bum, and then contradicts himself later by stating that the same person is hardworking and responsible. The fact throughout the play remains that Biff is not a lazy fellow, but the sentiments made by Willy at the beginning of the play tend to confuse the audience, who are dragged to become a symbol of his character. Through his behavior of uncertainness, Willy has been unable to appreciate the reality and his intentions to influence the past in an attempt to assume the present events (Smith and David 60). An example of these events is that Willy cannot appreciate the fact that Biff does not accord him any further regards because of the affairs of Willy. Instead of accounting for their relationship as one that is irreconcilable, Willy reforms back to particular times when Biff used to respect him. As the play goes on, Willy disassociates himself more than any other time from the present as his problems become too many to respond to, calling for extra attention that could be unnecessary. The third major theme of the play is order versus disorder. This theme is directly linked to Willys r etreats into the past. Each moment when Willy reconnects with the past, he does so in order to disagree with the current events, especially if the present is too fragile to consider for acceptance. At the course of the play, it is clear that Willy spends most of his moments reflecting the past as a means of restoring his life to be orderly as before (Smith and David 60). The more disintegrated and disastrous reality tends to be, Willy still finds reason for the necessity to create an alternative reality even if he may be required to dwell alone in the past. This fact is illustrated well during the moment when Willy was fired. As the play continues, Ben appears and Willy submits that there is nothing that he tried and worked out in his favor, and therefore he did not know what to do. To confuse the conversation, Ben switches to talk about Alaska and proposes to offer Willy a job. Immediately during this context, Linda appears and convinces Willy to stick to sales the way Dave Singleman does. The encouragement by Linda gave him hopes to believe that he can be successful like Singleman. It has built in him a memory that distracting him from the reality that he has been fired from his job. ConclusionThe three themes discussed in this essay work hand-in-hand to create an environment in which the audience are involved in the noticing the identity of the man wasting away. The play continues to cause effects to the audience as it allows them to put themselves in the shoes of the characters. Willys character affects many audience because in one way or another, many must have undergone several emotional moments like self-depreciation, failure and regret. Annotated bibliographyJia, X. U. A Tense Conversion Approach to Western Narrative Drama from the Perspective of Tempo-spatial Reference Framework††A Case Study of The Death of Salesman.Journal of Guangdong University of Education4 (2017): 009.This source is unique because of its illustration of the basic cognitive categories in human being. This source takes the play as a case study of the flavour of native drama. It also relates the play with real life situations, by drawing illustrations from the characters of the play. The source is relevant to my research essay because it generates cognitive mechanism towards high frequent tense conversion. This conversion is based on the various spaces t hat include, embodied language space and disembodied language space. There is also the use of combined language space.Smith, David. Death of a Salesman.The Arthur Miller Journal12.1 (2017): 60. The source is unique because it describes how the international community of readers perceives it. The source illustrates the character traits of the characters. It also touches on the main themes of the play. The source is relevant to my research essay because it gives a clear explanation of the major themes of the play. It links the themes directly to the main characters in the play. It also touches on the possible effects of the audience on the use of different styles and character traits. Works cited Jia, X. U. A Tense Conversion Approach to Western Narrative Drama from the Perspective of Tempo-spatial Reference Framework A Case Study of The Death of Salesman.Journal of Guangdong University of Education4 (2017): 009. Smith, David. Death of a Salesman.The Arthur Miller Journal12.1 (2017):
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