Thursday, October 31, 2019
Paper tigers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Paper tigers - Essay Example In the article, Yang points out that most Asian Americans are seen as obedient, non-questioning individuals. In fact, he terms them as â€Å"conformist quasi-robots who simply do not matter†(Yang, 2011). This explains why they are really given management positions in most companies in America. The author gives the example of James Hong, who says that he was not considered to be good enough to hold management positions. Stereotypes have denied most Asian American the chance to serve in top levels of organizations but instead given jobs on lower ranks. The predicament faced by Asian Americans as described in this article can extent to other groups affected by various forms of stereotypes. In the end, the perceptions held by others about a given group greatly influence how the affected people are treated in the society. Secondly, it is clear that stereotypes make individuals have negative perceptions about themselves and their culture, and relegate themselves to lower classes. Through this perception, these people are left to occupy the lowest ranks in the society, making themselves appear inferior. For example, in this article, Yang gives the example of Tim Wu who grew up in Canada, and witnessed how whites and Asians perceive each other. According to Wu, there was the assumption that Asians were talented at bitter labor. In other words, Asians were seen to be good at the most brutal part and therefore most suited for it. The whites, on the other hand, portrayed themselves to be above all that. In the end, as Wu notes, the Asians moved towards these kinds of low class jobs because they believe they are best suited for them. This illustrates how stereotypes make people to lower themselves and have negative perceptions about themselves. They tend to put themselves in the lowest classes because that is what the rest of the society believes they
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Assignment Example The addition of these two variables would then be divided by the original price the investor paid for the stock or lot of stocks. This calculation would give the gross return. The net return is calculated by subtracting the tax expenses associated with the investment from the numerator of the formula. It is important for investors to periodically calculate the return they would achieve if they sold a stock at a particular point in time. This can help investors determine when it is the best moment to sell their stock investment. 2. Contrast systematic and unsystematic risk. There are two types of risks that investors must pay close attention to. The two types of risks are systematic and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is a risk factor that cannot be control by the investor or the firm due to the fact that it is a market inherent risk. These risk factors affect all firms. Some examples of systematic risks include recessions, wars, inflation, and the occurrence of natural events. In the aftermath of the March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan the valuation of most Japanese stocks when down a lot. This risk could not have been predicted by an investor. Unsystematic risk is also referred to as firm specific risk or diversifiable risk. Unsystematic risks are risks that can be controlled by the firm. Some examples of these risks include employee strikes, lawsuits, unsuccessful product launches, and the quality of the labor force hired by the firm. A way to offset the effects of unsystematic risks is through diversification. A smart investor is able to reduce the unsystematic risk of their portfolio by purchasing a wide array of investments including blue chip stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Within the stocks selected by the investor they choose common stocks from firms from different industries. Both systematic and unsystematic risk must be considered by people that are contemplating investing in the stock market. 3. Explain why the total risk of a portfolio is not sim ply equal to the weighted average of the risks of the securities in the portfolio. Many people think because the expected return on a portfolio is calculated as the weighted average of the expected returns of individual stocks that the risk of a portfolio is calculated in the same. Well all those people that thought that way are wrong. Generally speaking the portfolio risk is usually smaller than the weighted average. This occurs because on many instances the risk of different stocks offset each other. A way to measure how the risk of the different stocks of a portfolio is affected is by using the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient measures the degree of relationship between two variables. It is possible for a portfolio of two stocks that both have risks to formulate a riskless portfolio if the risks of the two stocks cancel each other out. This can occur because the returns of each stock move in opposite directions. 4. State what beta measures and its uses. The be ta coefficient measures a stock’s sensitivity to fluctuations in the stock market. The normal beta is 1.0. A 1.0 beta implies that the common stock has the same risk as the market. When a company has a beta below 1.0 the common stock of the firm is not affected too much by the market risk. Stocks that have betas above 1.0 are very sensitive to fluctuations in the stock market. A stock that has a beta coefficient of 2.0 implies that the firm is twice as volatile or risky as
Sunday, October 27, 2019
New Zealand’s National Drug Policy (2007-2012) Analysis
New Zealand’s National Drug Policy (2007-2012) Analysis This research question requires you to read the provided case study on New Zealand’s National Drug Policy (2007-2012). Analyse and assess the strengths and weaknesses of this policy In your analysis, you are to consider the following guided questions: What is the present policy? -the present policy talks about the National Drug Policy 2007-2012. This policy discusses how the government implements methods and strategies in the control of alcohol, tobacco and drug use in a unanimous structure thru the New Zealand context. How, when, and why did the policy come into being? -According to the Methodology Report for the year 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey, an integrated programme of household surveys and group studies has been conducted by the Health and Disability Intelligence of the Ministry of Health. Thus, this is where the formulation of the policy has been based. This survey has also been considered a sequel of the previous ones dated years 1995, 2000 and 2004 for alcohol and drug use in the years 1998, 2001, and 2003. Furthermore, aside from the fact that the survey was the foundation for the latest national policy, it also answered the stipulated objectives which include the identification of alcohol, illicit and drug use for frivolous reasons in New Zealand; quantity and frequency of use; frequency of risky driving; type of harm for self-brought by alcohol and drug use and risk and self-seeking behaviour to combat its over usage. (Bhattacharya A., Health and Disability Intelligence, Ministry of Health 2010). What influenced policy -makers to adopt a particular course of action, what were the objectives of the policy? The result of the survey conducted by the assigned sectors from the Ministry of Health motivated policy-makers to frame actions in combatting the use of these substances. Among the objectives are for: the prevention of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug use. the reduction of harm caused by tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug use as well as its exposure to second-hand smoking the reduction of harm towards individuals, families and community due to the consumption of the mentioned elements. the significant others and society to be prevented and remain secure by monitoring the illegitimacy of its use. Who are the policy-makers? Which, if any, interest groups do they represent? These policy-makers are people working from the Ministry of Health specifically those assigned in the Health and Disability Intelligence. Lawmakers of linkages from the central and local government agencies and non-government organizations also contributed in the making of these guidelines to be in a success. To date, these are amended from time to time by these individuals to solve issues concerning the misuse of alcohol, drugs and tobacco in this country. What have been the stages and methods, including organizational arrangements and structures, used in the policy-making process? The National Drug Policy has two parts. The first part includes the guidelines as a whole context. This includes the strategies, methods and all organizational involvements and edifices utilized during the course of making the policy. The next part talks about the flow and approach of policy in the next five years. What interested groups, if any, have been consulted and what sources and kinds of advice have been obtained? As mentioned in the policy, sectors that are affected from the central and local government agencies as well as those from non-government organizations are involved in the implementation of the strategies. Moreover, since New Zealand belongs to the three United Nations Conventions namely Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971 and Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Substances 1998, information that is provided under the policy has been derived from these sources. In similar fashion, data gathered from these conventions guide the making of the policy in terms of implementing control measures to ensure the use of narcotic drugs and other addictive substances for medical and scientific purposes without over using it. Drug trafficking prevention measures has also helped the makers of the policy in formulating their methods for this matter. Is the process of policy-making that has been adopted the best we can hope for? How might it be improved? In my subjective opinion, reading to thru the National Drug Policy, it has provided a detailed framework on how to approach the concerns of alcohol, illegal drugs and alcohol use of New Zealand. Indeed it is a good policy yet I cannot say that this is the best policy that we can hope for since in general, things change and everything in the world is drastic. This includes the way human beings deal with these substances. For it to be improved, I believe that lawmakers must depend on the result of studies of the current time and researches concerning these elements must be perennial. Strategies and approaches should be appropriate to current situations and individuals. Is it good policy? Yes, I remain certain that this is a good policy because it covers all concerns and how it will be applied to involved individuals, their families and the society as a whole. What has it achieved? The policy has achieved a number of outcomes. First is the Smoke-free Environment Amendment Act of 2003 which restricts the use of tobacco in working areas like restaurants and bars; as well as the ways on how to prevent non-smokers to second-hand smoke. The second is the formulation of the Community Action on Youth and Drugs which encourages the involvement of communities that aim to address the ill effects of drug on the youngsters. The third is the Effective Drug Education with its goal to educate the young people, their families and the society about drugs, tobacco and alcohol use. Lastly, The Alcohol Advisory Council which is geared to address drinking culture of adults in New Zealand. Would a different policy be likely to yield better results? For whom? -I do not think that a different policy would result to better results. There is actually no need for a different policy. What is important is that the strategies molded under this policy should be implemented properly and be amended in accord to the present concerns and issues. Does the present policy need changing? Conditions will apply as to the changing of the policy. As mentioned, the making of these laws are derived from studies, surveys or researches, hence, it will need changing based upon the results of these procedures. Is it feasible to change it and in what ways? -Yes, it will be feasible for change for as well as the amendment will address the problems identified or if the methods mentioned in the policy is no longer effective. In your analysis you should also address the policy feasibility (Can it be implemented?) and plausibility (Can it be designed to make sense?). OR Complete a plan on which to develop solutions for the policy issue. (There is no requirement to develop the actual solutions). In your analytical response, you need to include the following: Describe the intervention you wish to develop (Public health interventions maybe found in intervention types such as legislation and regulation, resource allocation, financial and non-financial incentives, education, community and inter-sectoral collaboration/partnership, communication, community and organisational delivery, public policy development, engineering and technical interventions, and service development and delivery) Identify, describe and quantify the essential resources or things needed for the implementation of the policy. Identify appropriate programmes and activities that could be undertaken. Consider: Existing services that could contribute to a strategy Needed services that are possible to help implement the strategy Applicability of possible services Identify and define strategies or alternative means for achieving implementation objectives. Identify and develop policy goals and objectives Make recommendations as to the practicability and acceptability of the policy. Politics, laws and budgets If policies are the outcomes of choices that entities make to achieve their goals, then politics is the means to those ends. The product of the two (policy and politics) is usually legislation and the budgetary process that is required to support implementation. Politics is an activity whereby people achieve what they want by exerting power and influence. It involves conflict over the distribution of scarce resources. As a Healthcare professional you may be required to advocate and therefore be involved in political action. There are four major areas within which you may be asked to influence outcomes – the workplace, government, professional organisations and the community. For each of these areas, discuss and analyse the types of decision you may be asked to help influence. Workplace. The advocacy in my workplace with regards to following policies should start within myself as an individual. This should commence within me which means that I must follow the policies mandated in my workplace. Being a model of my own self I will be able to influence others to follow rules and regulations. This must be through my actions and behaviors aside from my word of mouth. In addition, policies in our workplace are important in order for the staff and all other people concerned to abide with the institutional guidelines. This will help maintain the standards of orderliness and harmony or peace in my workplace. However, there are rules that are not appropriate as to some situations. Thus, I can contribute by involving myself in committees and may express concerns or suggestions for these regulations to be reviewed. I can also join surveys or be one of the respondents for policy improvements. Government. As a Filipino, I could not help but look back on how our government runs our policies. While it is true that laws are based from general standards globally and relatively in the same concept, undeniably, even our own lawmakers do not follow their own policies that they proposed and passed in the congress. To be an advocate in following the policies of the government here in New Zealand, I can do this by being a law-abiding individual. Moreover, I can contribute more by being familiar to the government system in this country. Professional Regulation. Involvement in civic groups related to my profession is a beneficial advocacy since it will be easier for me to relate to concerns with regards to policy. Community. By all means, there are groups in the community which focuses on policy issues. I can make myself available for surveys and any other methods to make doors for policy implementation and amendments. REFERENCES:
Friday, October 25, 2019
Free Pride and Prejudice Essays: Life and Love :: Pride Prejudice Essays
Life and Love in Pride and Prejudice How would life be different if you lived in the early 1800s in a small town of England? How did the courtship rituals exist at that time? These questions are the main subjects of the book, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, who wrote the book about the time that these things took place. When you open to the first page and begin reading, the Bennet family is instantly introduced, along with Mr. Bingley. The Bennet family , which is composed of parents who generally have opposite opinions, and four daughters, each with their own special abilities, play the main role, especially the second daughter Elizabeth. The whole story is narrated through her point of view, so the opinions of other people that eventually become your own are taken from whom Elizabeth is close to and whom she dislikes. That brings us to the other characters, namely the Bingley family and Mr. Darcy. The Bingley family represents a very wealthy family, whose son would be a prize for any girl, and who is deeply interested in Jane, the eldest, beautiful Bennet daughter. The family though doesn't believe the Bennet's to be of a high enough standard, and move their brother to London to distract him with Mr. Darcy's sister, who supposedly was as unlikable as Mr. Darcy himself. Disliked by many because of his pompousness and pride, Mr. Darcy ruined his chances with Elizabeth for himself. In his own desire, he would have easily married her, she even hated to dance with the man. This type of love triangle, with one person liking a certain someone, but having to settle with someone else, happens throughout the book, just with different people. Most of the time all the characters were either in the a household or at a formal party where these loves, courtships, and dislikes began. This form of settings in the book I found rather boring, and it made it very difficult for me to continue reading, though I now know it is Jane Austen style to not have much action but to develop more of the character's personalities. This book is a great suggestion if you love to really understand a character and her feelings towards others. The neat idea is what Austen did with the title of the book. With this book, "Pride and
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Benefits of Pageants Essay
Nowadays, many beauty pageants are being planned and held due to their innumerable useful effects. In fact, different from earlier when pageants were only held in schools, now most communities also organize their own events as they believe it is an excellent method of displaying talents. Other than simply entertaining people, pageants offer the following benefits. 1. Develop communication skills A common standard for testing participants in pageants is basically how fluent they are. This is helpful for any future roles that the victor needs to play. Generally, most winners of pageants are given the duty of becoming ambassadors of worthy causes in the society. The winner can undertake such a duty effectively if he or she has great communication skills. 2. Boosts self-esteem The main aim of setting up a beauty pageant contest is to boost the self-esteem of the contestants, especially little children. Most organizers of pageants believe that when children develop self-assurance early in their lives, it is going to be simpler for them to conquer challenges as they grow up. Because a young girl’s intelligence, talent and beauty is recognized and lauded in the pageant, this will assist her have a smoother transition to being a strong woman. 3. Social benefits Beauty pageants assist to develop the participants’ socialization skills. When the participants interact and communicate with one another, a chance of social skill development is created. This is a place where friendships may be created that may even last for a very long time. In addition, because a participant also requires adapting to various personalities, he or she would be capable of understanding that all people are unique and ought to be respected. Nonetheless, pageants have certain drawbacks also. They can make the participants over-conscious with regards to physical appearance and beauty. Those who might desire to succeed may end up using harmful chemical products to enhance their beauty.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Safety of Fire Alarm
In 1600, years ago there was Members of the community who's responsible to announce people if there is fire by blowing a whistle or ringing a church bell, years later the fire alarm was designed with new features. There are four types of fire alarms which are Ionization, Video-Based Detectors, Flame Detectors and Combination Detectors. Fire alarms can give you an early signal to something that could be terrible – basically saving your lives. There are many benefits of having fire alarms such a 24/7 monitoring, early detection, avoid smoke inhalation and easy ; affordable and we will discuss each one in details below. Some real life situations that influenced society like the story of a Mother who lost 7 kids in Fujairah fire and the address hotel fire accident.IntroductionFire alarm has a several of devices that work together to discover and warn people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present. Fire accidents happens a lot since 1600 till now and fire alarm before was not developed as now, in 21 century the fire alarm has been developed in many types which decrease the number of fire accidents and deal with all types of fires, even the interior civil defence general headquarters provide people to Installation of fire detectors in their homes because the number of fire accidents increased since last years which comes from lack of awareness, Faulty electricity, and high temperature. Fire alarm has a lot of benefits which can safe people lives and save a lot of positions.Historyin 1600, years ago, there was Members of the community who's responsible to announce people if there is fire by blowing a whistle or ringing a church bell. Later in 1850 Moses Farmer and William F. Channing designed a fire alarm, the designed consist of two fire alarm boxes and each of them have telegraphic key, when someone within the premises identified a fire or the risk of a fire, they'd race to the handle and wrench it. As the telegrapher at the station received the message, then the operator there will relay it along the fire department to response of the box location. In 1890, Francis Robbins invented the design of modern life alarm. His design was not popular and receive little attention, after not along time people recognized the importance of fire alarm and it was widely used in places where can happen especially in cities and large towns where the fire departments must respond to the fire quickly. In 21 century the first fire alarm modern was developed, this alarm was working without wires and use a different type of technologies such as cellular transmitters, private radio systems and digital communicator systems. This modern technology allows the fire alarm signal to be transfer to the nearest fire department in seconds so that a fire fighting team can be dispatched Types of fire alarm: Ionization An ionization smoke indicator contains a detecting chamber comprising two electrically charged plate and a radioactive hotspot for ionizing the air between the plates. An ionization smoke indicator works attractively on a wide range of flames, it reacts more rapidly to blazing fires than photoelectric smoke identifiers. The ionization locator is a programmed resetting type and is most appropriate for rooms that contain profoundly burnable materials, for example,Cooking fatNewspapersPaintCleaning arrangementsThere are two essential sorts of air-examining smoke indicators. The most widely recognized one is the cloud-chamber write. This detector uses a small air pump to draw sample air into a high humidity chamber within the detector. The detector triggers an alarm signal when the density of this cloud exceeds a predetermined level. The second type of air-sampling smoke detector is composed of a system of pipes spread over the ceiling of the protected area. A fan in the controller unit draws air from the working through the funnels utilizing a photoelectric sensor. Types of Detectors: Duct Smoke Detectors: Duct smoke detection serve to protect the air conditioning system itself from fire and smoke damage, and to assist in equipment protection applications. For instance, in the ventilation work of centralized server PCs and tape drives.Applications: Downstream of the air channels and in front of any branch associations in air supply frameworks having a limit more prominent than 2,000 cfm (944L/sec).Return framework smoke finders are not required when the whole space served by the air circulation framework is ensured by an arrangement of zone smoke locators.Fan units whose sole capacity is to expel air from inside the working to outside the building. Duct smoke detectors are specifically listed for installation within higher air velocities and they are no substitute for other types of smoke detectors in open areas.Video-Based Detectors: state-of-the-art fire detection technologies and enables early detection of smoke and flames in environments where these cannot response times, for example, structures with high roofs or dusty and muggy zones. The video-based fire detection system scales well from a single camera to a networked system of distributed cameras with a central console and management system, it can relay alarms to an existing fire alarm panel or transmit them by means of Ethernet to a checking focus or even a cell phone like an iPad. By getting HD quality video pictures continuously gives the firefighters a decent comprehension of the present circumstance even before they are in contact with the scene. Cameras are easy to install and require very little maintenance in contrast to state-of-the-art smoke and flame detectors. The utilization of PoE cameras (Power over Ethernet) can wipe out the requirement for singular power supplies and power links, making it significantly more cost-effective it can likewise be utilized for little and disseminated offices, for example, control stations and flag boxes where the ad vantage does not legitimize the establishment of the flame board. A few points of interest of video-based locators:Ability to protect a larger area, while still achieving fast detection. In many large facilities with excessive ceiling heights, designers find it impractical to use conventional smoke detection devices it can detect smoke or flame inside the field of the perspective of the camera.Ability to have live video quickly accessible after identifying a pre-alert or a caution condition.Flame Detectors: (light identifier) is a sensor designed to detect and respond to the presence of a fire. It responses to a detected flame depend on the installation but can include sounding an alarm and activating a fire suppression system, an effective in monitoring large areas, such as an aircraft hangar or computer room.Fire indicator distinguish light in the bright wave range (UV identifiers), infrared wave range (IR finders), and identify light in both UV and IR waves these kinds of locator s are among the speediest to react to flames, they are likewise effortlessly enacted by such non-fire conditions as welding, daylight, and other splendid light sources. They should just be put in place where these triggers can be stayed away from or restricted. They must also be positioned so that they have an unobstructed view of the protected area, if they are blocked they can't enact. A flame detector can often respond faster and more accurately than a smoke or heat detector due to the mechanisms it uses to detect the flame. They are additionally worked same as video-based identifiers.Combination Detectors: alerts that either distinguish both warmth and smoke or utilize both the ionization and photoelectric procedures. Include fixed-rate detectors, heat detectors, and fire-gas detectors. These mixes give the locator the advantage of the two administrations and increment their responsiveness to flame conditions.Depending upon the plan of the framework, various combinations of the previously described detection devices may be used in a single device.Photoelectric Photoelectric smoke identification takes a shot at a wide range of shoot and typically reacts more rapidly to smoldering fires than ionization smoke detection. Photoelectric smoke detection is most appropriate for zones containing overstuffed furniture and different territories where seething flames can happen. A photoelectric gadget comprises a photoelectric cell combined with a light source. The photoelectric cell works in one of two approaches to distinguish smoke: projected-beam application (obscuration) or refractory application (scattered). The projected-beam application style of photoelectric finder utilizes a light emission centered over the territory being checked onto a photoelectric-getting gadget, for example, a photodiode. The cell always changes over the bar into the current, which keeps a switch open. At the point when smoke meddles with or darkens the light pillar, the measure of current created is reduced. The detector's circuitry senses the change in current and initiates an alarm when a current change threshold is crossed.Projected-beam application smoke detectors are particularly useful in buildings where a large area of coverage is desired, such as in churches, atriums, or warehouses. Rather than wait for smoke particles to collect at the top of an open area and sound an alarm, the projected-beam application smoke detector is strategically positioned to sound an alarm more quicklyA refractory application photoelectric smoke detector utilizes a light emission from a light-discharging diode (LED) that goes through a little chamber at a point removed from the light source. Regularly, the light does not strike the photocell or photodiode. At the point when smoke particles enter the light bar, light strikes the particles and reflects in irregular ways onto the photosensitive gadget, making the locator produce an alert flag.Benefits of having fire alarm Many people don't consider fire alarms seriously, and many do not test or check their alarm systems routinely. The only thing that can caution you, your family and colleagues all day, every day from a fire is the sound of a well installed and maintained fire alarm system. Fire alarms can give you an early signal to something that could be terrible – basically saving your lives. There are many benefits of having fire alarms such a 24/7 monitoring, early detection, avoid smoke inhalation and easy & affordable and we will discuss each one in details below.24/7 MONITORINGA fire alarm system gives protection 24 hours a day, every day of the week. place will be monitored all the time from morning until night. So, people can feel safe in every place that has fire alarm system, because they know that this monitoring never stops.EARLY DETECTIONThe earlier a fire is detected, the quicker it will be that firefighters will react. This can mean you may avoid major damage or even worse, the complete destruction of the place.AVOID SMOKE INHALATIONThe most important reason is perhaps the only one you really require. This can save as many spirits as possible especially at the house. This is particularly significant during the evening time. Anyone who is sleeping may not be awakened in time if a fire begins. Many times, people die of smoke inhalation while trying to escape. At the bottom line, having a system in place can give you peace of mind, safety, and security.Avoid losing irreplaceable itemsHaving a system is very reasonably priced. Regardless of whether you have insurance that can compensate any lost items, many of them are irreplaceable. This would include photo albums, gifts from relatives or items passed down from one generation to the next. You also would be severely inconvenienced by having to live somewhere else for at least some time. At the end, there is the emotional trauma of losing your home and properties.Real life situations and solutions One of most horrible fire accident happens when a mother lost her 7 kids because of fumes rise in the house and inhalation of the children while sleeping cause them to death, after this accident, Maj. Gen. Mohammed bin Ghanem Al Kaabi, Commander-in-Chief of the Fujairah Police, stressing the need to install smoke detectors in the homes because of their proactive role in warning families with fire, and spare them lives and property. Brigadier Mohamed Al-Nuaimi pointed that the percentage of fire houses and private houses reached 57% of the fires building and installations in 2016, which let the general defense command advice people to install smoke detectors in their houses under the logo †smoke detector for your home safety†, also they specified a period from 2016 December till the end of 2017 to community awareness of the importance of protecting the houses by installing a smoke detector to prevent fire death and injuries 46005752318385Figure SEQ Figure ARABIC 1 :Address Hotel by Bruce Szczepanski0Figure SEQ Figure ARABIC 1 :Address Hotel by Bruce Szczepanski4600575000A luxury hotel the Address Downtown Dubai hotel, (2015 December 31) Thursday 9:30 p.m. (12:30 p.m. ET) the fire started while a stunning New Year's fireworks display lit up the night sky nearby. Orange tentacles of flames engulfed a large section of the high-rise soon after the fire started around. According to the Dubai Media Office, 14 people were slightly injured, and one was moderately injured, but the firework show still went on as planned; by midnight, authorities had treated the fire to be 90% contained. On 20 January 2016, Dubai Police held a news conference to confirm that an electrical short circuit caused the fire. The forensic has identified that the short circuit was caused by electrical wires of the spotlight used to illuminate the building between the 14th and the 15th floor. The General Command of the Civil Defense has taken some decisions which decrease the number of fires and deaths results by setting operational plans at all the levels of civil defense departments and the objective is to keep the people awareness from fire accidents and to check the report (Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and yearly), aw well as focusing on internal and strategic exercises of civil defense to respond quickly to any fire accident request, in additional to this there has been a qualified officers of the civil defense to accomplish the mission of inspection for building to see whether these building and centers are following the Protective conditions where 4167 buildings have been inspected by the centers officers. According to the general commander of the civil defense Maj. Gen. Jassim Mohammed Al marzouqi revealed that in 2016 the percentage of fire of buildings and facilities is 30% compared in 2015, where the number of fires reached 3388 and 2352 in 2016 which mean decease in deaths number from 33 in 2015 to 16 deaths in 2016 by 52%, and house fires fell by 7% in 2016 compared to 2015. Conclusion To conclude, fire alarm consists of three types which are Ionization, Video-Based Detectors, Flame Detectors and Combination Detectors.There are many benefits of having fire alarms such a 24/7 monitoring, early detection, avoid smoke inhalation and easy ; affordable. Fire alarm is very important not only in hotels and buildings, but also in houses because a lot of fire accidents happens inside houses and many lives are lost like a mother who lost her 7 kids, our advice that every home should have a fire alarm to reduce the number of accidents and to save to protect whom we love.Referencesâ€Å"Fire at Address hotel on New Year's eve caused by electrical fault: Dubai Police†. Gulfnews. Al Nasir Publishing LLC. 20 January 2016. Retrieved 31 January 2016.â€Å"Fire breaks out at a Dubai Hotel near Burj Khalifa, 16 injured†. The Times of India. December 31, 2015.Retrieved December 31, 2015.â€Å"Hotel fire put out in record time; Breathtaking Dubai show goes on as planned†. Emirates 24/7. January 1, 2016. Retrieved January 1, 2016.Aarti Nagraj (20 January 2016).â€Å"Electrical short circuit caused Address hotel fire – Dubai police†. Gulf Business. Motivate Publishing. Retrieved 31 January 2016. AlKaabi, A. (2017, S eptember 30).Seven members of a family were killed by a fire in their home in Fujairah. Retrieved from of the fire alarm | Silver Security Luton Bedfordshire. (2017, October 02). Retrieved from, B. (2017, March 27).The 5 Benefits of a Home Fire Alarm system. Retrieved from Fire death rate down to 52% in 2016. (n.d.).Retrieved from are fire alarm systems necessary and important? (n.d.).Retrieved from, ;. -. (2018, April 28).  «Interior »:  «Civil Defense » dealt with 2352 fires.Retrieved from
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